Make Your Product Launch a Hit Like Legendary Brands

Created on 7 July, 2024Scale Up Business • 126 views • 2 minutes read

Everyone might have their own childhood stories, and each generation has its own unique experiences. My generation, growing up in the early 2000s, has its own tales—from playing with Tamiya cars and marbles to other random, memorable things.

Make Your Product Launch a Hit Like Legendary Brands

Everyone might have their own childhood stories, and each generation has its own unique experiences.

My generation, growing up in the early 2000s, has its own tales—from playing with Tamiya cars and marbles to other random, memorable things. These activities became a trend again during the pandemic, as they brought back fond memories for those of us now grown up and working from home with more free time.

Among all these childhood memories, one thing stands out: my routine as a “food reviewer” every month.

Wait, what does that mean?

Product Survey Before Launch

Maybe you’ve experienced this too. My mom often took me to an office to review food. Yes, food reviews, but unlike today's recorded ones. Back then, it was done face-to-face with someone I guessed was a surveyor. I was asked to try various foods like ice cream, biscuits, and milk and give my opinions. Did it taste good? Too sweet? Bland?

They asked many questions, tailored to my level as a child. This happened multiple times, especially during my elementary school years. Now, as an adult, I understand what they were trying to do. They were gathering feedback from potential customers before launching the product widely.

In the world of gaming or SaaS, this is often called Beta Testing. The aim is to get feedback to refine the product, discover angles, and unique selling points from potential customers.

Back then, the method was very conventional, relying on many people and hiring agencies to collect feedback, which was costly but crucial for a product's market success. Today, feedback and data are just as important for making products more successful.

This includes email marketing, where feedback is measured through open rates, clicks, and conversions. With EMAIL, you can gather and utilize all this data to make your product more successful.

The Conversion Feature from EMAIL

You can get the ultimate data signal indicating whether a product will be successful: conversion data. The principle is simple: the more conversions, the higher the chance the product or campaign will be successful and well-received.

From there, you can scale up using the same angles and offers across your promotion channels. Like my childhood story, gather as much feedback and data as possible and determine the right strategy from it.

You could say the conversion feature from EMAIL acts as your “honest reviewer” without the fear of harsh criticism from netizens.

So, if you haven’t used EMAIL yet, now might be the perfect time to fully leverage the potential of email marketing with EMAIL. Click the button below to start using EMAIL.

Start Using EMAIL Now

If you’re already using EMAIL and want to use this conversion feature, learn how here:

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Launching a product successfully is essential, and legendary brands have shown that gathering feedback and data is crucial for this process. By utilizing tools like EMAIL's conversion feature, you can collect valuable insights to refine your strategy and increase the chances of your product's success. Whether through surveys, beta testing, or modern email marketing, understanding customer feedback remains key to a successful product launch.